Excellent book printing factory in China, paper printing services

Shenzhen Jinhao Color Printing Co., Ltd
huwa professjonali fl-istampar personalizzat. Erja totali ta 'aktar minn 10,000
metri kwadri.
Stampar Jinhao, Intrapriża ta 'servizzi ta' stampar u ippakkjar ta 'kwalità għolja. Mill-bidu u skond tagħna
stess standards għoljin, aħna dejjem niltaqgħu u jaqbżu l-klijenti’ rekwiżiti. Aħna dar tal-pubblikazzjoni globali, għal
reklamar kummerċjali u ippakkjar ta' rigali. Aħna kburin li nipprovdu servizzi ta 'stampar one-stop ta' kwalità u
servizzi loġistiċi effiċjenti madwar id-dinja.
Jinhao Printing has definitive printing workshops with the introduction of the world’s advanced printing equipment
from Heidelberg, Germany and Komori, Ġappun. Besides, New brand Japan Komori 8-color printing machine start
production, board book machine, which improved the efficiency and quality, ensure timely delivery.
Jinhao Printing specializes in pre-press color management, using Japanese screen C T P and Epson Digital printers.
We’ve adopted the world’s advanced color management software and color reduction to meet global standards. This
ensures customer’s finished product and the pre-press color are consistent.
Jinhao Printing has powerful binding selections, advanced binding equipment which implement automatic digital
efficient production management. Switzerland’s Martini perfect bound machine, German Kolbus Hardcover binding
machine M B O and Muller Martini folding machines, which guarantees on-time delivery
Jinhao Printing established acustomer-oriented, succeed in qualityquality policy, and has adopted the I S O
international quality system certification, there’s a full implementation of 5 S management of our factory. Jinhao Color
Stampar, your reliable printer in China
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