Wholesale custom journal notebook printing

Ipprovdi Stampar Custom Ktieb OEM

  • Iċċekkja Mark Kampjun Ħieles
  • Iċċekkja Mark Sengħa exquisite
  • Iċċekkja Mark Kwalita għolja


Wholesale custom journal notebook printing


Ktieb tat-test“, “Katalgu“, “Magażins“, “Ktieb tar-riċetti“, “Kalendarju“, “Journal notebook printing“, “ Gverta tal-karti“, “Stampar għal awturi u pubblikaturi“,Stampar ta' kotba b'qoxra ratbaKtieb tal-bord tat-tfal“, “Ktieb tat-tfal“, “Sett Rigalhardcover book

We follow your artwork to print

Binding method

Legatura hardcover“,”legatura paperback“,”wajer o/spirali marbut“,”Ħjata tas-sarġ“,”Ktieb pop-up“,” flip box“,”kaxxa slip

Kotba huma marbuta fuq talba tiegħek

HTB18onCL4YaK1RjSZFn76180pXapHTB1I2HjL3HqK1RjSZFEq6AGMXXatHTB1SRzcL4TpK1RjSZR0q6zEwXXaWHTB1 rPdLY2pK1RjSZFsq6yNlXXasHTB1.PC9L6DpK1RjSZFrq6y78VXa0HTB11cvcLYvpK1RjSZPiq6zmwXXa4HTB1 TbhLYrpK1RjSZTEq6AWAVXamHTB1CKneL9zqK1RjSZFHq6z3CpXadHTB1huDeL9zqK1RjSZFjq6zlCFXatHTB1i66pL4jaK1RjSZFAq6zdLFXav

welcome to contact me!
Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott
Prodottcustom journal notebook

hardcover book printing

paperback book printing

children book printing

catalogure printing

notebook printing

stampar tal-kalendarju

DaqsSkont ir-rekwiżiti tal-klijent
MaterjalGlossy art paper, matt art paper, woodfree paper

128gsm, 157gsm,200gsm,250gsm,300gsm

Glossy art paper, matt art paper, woodfree paper


Grey board 2mm. 2.5mm. 3mm, 3.5mm in thickness
Printing typeOffset Printing service
Printing Color1-8 color printing service
Finishing choicesGloss or Matte lamination
High Gloss UV varnish, Kisi UV, Spot UV
Aqueous varnishing
Foil hot stamping
Embossing or debossing
Binding serviceSewn and hardbound
Sewing and glue binding
Perfect binding
Saddle stitching
Irbit b'spirali
Wire-O binding
Ippakkjarexport cartons and pallets
ĊertifikazzjoniFSC, BSCI, Disney,GSV
ĠarrConfirmed deposit & PDF

1-2 days for sample

10-12 days for production less than 1000pcs

Depends on quantity

QC100% inspection cargos before delivery,
PrezzL-aktar prezz kompetittiv
Termini ta 'ħlasT/T


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